To better serve you, our clients, we are reorganizing our products to differentiate what you can use for OESH certification exam prep and certification maintenance.

We are also simplifying the purchase process and discontinuing membership subscriptions.

Our current products will transition to:

Our exam prep courses remain the same and include the Companion Toolkit and access to webinars.

Yes, Memberships are going away. But don’t fret! If you have Premium or Plus Membership access, you will continue to have access to all the same great features included in your membership until your subscription ends. Your subscription will not renew. YES! One less subscription you won’t have to cancel.

When your subscription ends, you can then decide if you want to purchase one of our new Study Tools or the Continuing Ed Package. All products will be a one-time purchase.

Beginning June 8th, you can no longer purchase Premium Membership or individual self-paced PDCs. Our Study Tools and Continuing Ed Package will be available for purchase after June 16, 2023.

You can still access the Member Center (soon-to-be the Learning Center) with your current subscription. We expect little to no interruption during this process.

We appreciate your understanding during this transition as we strive to provide you with the best products to help you earn and maintain your OESH certifications.

If you have any questions or if the product you purchased is not working how you feel it should, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

~ The Bowen EHS Team