We completed our survey process for the May 2022 ASP®-CSP® Online Review course. 90 days after the course end date, we determined the participants who completed the course and asked them to participate in a short survey. 

To receive a Certificate of Completion, clients are required to complete the following list of items:

Now for the results! The May 2022 ASP®-CSP® Online Review took place from May 16th – to July 13th, 2022. 

Of those who completed the course:

If you are wondering what kind of time commitment it takes to prepare for the ASP® and/or CSP® Exams, we asked these course participants that as well. They spent an average of 70 hours studying and approximately 3.5 months preparing. 

Congratulations to these new ASPs and CSPs!! 

As always, we are Committed To Your Success and Guarantee our Support through the exam process!

~The Bowen EHS Team

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