Client Feedback: CHMM Exam Courses

We love getting honest feedback from our clients. In addition to letting us know how we are doing, they let us know what worked or didn't work for them while preparing for their CHMM exam.

Read on to find out more.

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Just passed the CSP exam. Thank you will and the Bowen EHS for providing excellent guidance and study materials! 

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Passed the ASP last week, CSP today. I took the course with Patrick which was a huge help for the ASP. I completed many study exams from the vault, studied what I missed and also read up on what exactly the incorrect options really were. I read Brauer, made flashcards, re-watched the classes, and reviewed/studied like mad since the end of the class in July. Although a common theme was to skip the math, I worked really hard at the math and I think that helped me a lot with the ASP. I did flag the math and went back to it but had plenty of time and most came fairly easy from the practice. I jumped right back in for the CSP exam a week later and although I passed, it really was tough. Finished with 8 minutes to spare. Flagged the math, which there were not as many questions, but much more complicated, multiple-step problems. The topics go so much deeper than the ASP and more so than I expected. It really takes knowing and understanding the material. Lots of system and management questions. Just so glad it's over! Patrick, thanks so much for the job you did with the summer class, not sure what I would have done without it!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I took the CIH test and I received a Preliminary Pass, I am so excited, I can't contain myself. I felt very confident since the week previous, I had a feeling of being the Ready that I have not ever had in my life.
I want to thank Bowen for the course and for the time that he answered my emails and phonecalls with questions, Also, I want to thank another premium member, whom I met thru the discussion board and he became my long-distance study buddy.

CIH Courses

I finally passed the CIH exam!! It was such a huge relief because I failed the exam in November last year. This is probably the most difficult exam I have ever done. The practice quizzes for Bowen were very helpful and it's important to practice very well before attempting this exam. All the best to everyone planning on taking this exam.

CIH Courses

Passed the CSP! I took the ASP/CSP course with Patrick but did so asynchronously. I watched all the videos, did all the homework, the pre-test, final, and makeup final. I took the ASP in 2017, and this time my work offered Bowen and it was very helpful. I will say that the exam surprised me this time around. There were many questions about change management, but having just completed my MBA with a concentration in organizational change I was well prepared. But, I mention it because if you haven't studied change management you should maybe get familiar with it. There were a lot of Environmental questions that stood out for me, I'm not strong or even really experienced in enviro., so for others looking to study maybe work some of the extra questions Bowen offers. Patrick, thanks for your help and thank you for your terrible dad jokes, I've already used a couple of them.


ASP®-CSP®- Courses

It is indeed a tough test! I used DataChem CIH software religiously every day for almost a year, for at least 2 hours a day. Take practice tests. I printed out the Bowen CIH questions and put them onto flash cards. I played the Bowen CIH game 2 to 4x a day; strive for 100%. I purchased the AIHA "Industrial Hygiene Reference and Study Guide. Read this book every chance you get and memorize the content, as much as you can. Know this book and Ace the test!! I took the Bowen online CIH class and then immediately took the classroom CIH version. Difficult topics become more transparent in the classroom. Read the ACGIH TLV book; know the TLV's of common toxicants [benzene, lead, etc] but read [and re-read] the Definitions and Notations section!!!! Know your strengths and weaknesses. My strengths were chemistry, noise, bio-hazards, and PPE; my weaknesses were radiation and ventilation. Bowen will help with both of these topics. I passed ASP, CSP and CIH first time because I was extremely well prepared. I used Bowen for all three tests. It is the Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared!!!!!!!!!!

CIH Courses

After two months of my exam being delayed, I was finally able to take and pass the CHMM exam. Having more of a safety background and not environmental, I found the exam to be challenging more so then the CSP. Thank you Will for doing a great job teaching the course! I would have not passed without it and would recommend the Bowen CHMM course to anyone who is considering getting their CHMM.

CHMM Courses