Phew! Cleared the CSP yesterday. Feels great. Thanks, Bowen EHS for the practice questions, quizzes, and study sessions. I also referred to many books and literature. Study hard guys, you will make it. Special thanks to William Pate for the tip regarding the calculator, one has to change the mode of the calculator to classic from mathprint. Otherwise it messes up the answer. One important thing to note is the calculator setting memory gets erased for every question, so you have to redo the setting every time.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

CIH Preliminary Pass November 2020! Thanks for the win! The material from the class was so helpful, but it really was a bigger benefit to participate in a live webinar class compared to study on my own with just books! My exam was canceled and rescheduled twice for COVID but I finally got it done!


CIH Courses

I wanted to express my gratitude for the work all you put in and patience shown throughout this process. The course was a complete success. The verbal feedback I received from the participants was that it exceeded expectations.

Now that I have been able to navigate through your member center, I can also see the value that it will add to exam preparation. The training material, including being able to show calculator key strokes on the screen, was very useful as well. Thank you Todd for tending all of my solicitations for phone calls expeditiously and Margaret for ensuring we had all the materials and needs met all the way to the very end.

As far as Mike Edens, he demonstrated excellent presentation, didactic skills and flexibility to changes in course schedule. He was ever-present that his audience had English as a second language, and that US terms might be missed by some. He adjusted perfectly and I believe this was part of the success of the course. He also had plenty of examples and war stories to keep the class interesting and is certainly well versed in all topics related to safety and hygiene. The format used of short breaks every hour (versus one or two longer breaks) was well received and one I hope to copy.

In all, congratulations for your superb service, content, and delivery.

Team Members

Sat for the CIH exam and got the green checkmark - Preliminary Pass! Phew! Thanks for all of the help, education and fun provided by Bowen EHS staff. I feel certain I would not have been successful without completing this preparation material.


CIH Courses

I passed my ASP. Lots of questionson training, fall protection segregation and separation in fire protection and system management. Looking forward to my CSP! Thanks Pat and William for all your assistance! Much appreciated.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Russ, Good news again - I passed the CSP yesterday - so glad to have both the ASP and CSP completed. Your course and resources helped me prepare and be successful. I am probably not the typical student since I have an MS in IH and PhD in Safety - am a professor at Oregon State University and am a new member of the ACGIH physical agents TLV committee. I am on sabbatical this year and had always wanted to pursue getting the CSP but never had the time, so it was nice to be able to get back to the basics and remind myself all the topics I should be sure to include in the various course I teach for undergraduates and graduate students here in Oregon. Anyway, I enjoyed your course and you are a great teacher - thanks!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed [the CIH exam] and I wanted to say thanks so much for everything Russ. Your course was an amazing investment, and it really helped me understand what I needed to know. This is also my first online live course, and I was a little skeptical at first, and I think courses like this can only work when you have a dedicated instructor - which Russ is.  I also appreciate everyone in the forums posting all your questions and generating your discussions. Some of those materials really helped me a lot. This was a good experience for me. 

CIH Courses

WOOOHOO!, I passed the CSP! Feeling so proud! I used the Yates and Brauer texts and took the Bowen Practice Exam like 50 times!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Passed the CSP! Thanks a lot for the instruction, Pat. Just made a lot of flashcards of the material in the review probably around ~200 cards, did the quizzes and the questions. It was pretty easy IMO. Thought the CHMM was harder. Didn’t have to take the ASP so that’s probably why. Good luck guys.


ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Passed the ASP Exam yesterday! I did use all five hours for the test; actually, 4 to work the "first pass" all the way through and then 1 hour to go back and further work the items I had flagged during the first pass.
Since the mathematics is actually my strong skill, I didn't leave them for last - I answered them on the first pass. Most equations were provided ... but not all. My strategy was to answer everything as best I could on the first pass (in case I ran out of time), and then, flag anything I wanted to go back and think more about if time allowed. For the ones I didn't know at first blush, I found it fairly easy to get down to two reasonable choices. From there, I just made sure to read the question thoroughly (even 5 or 6 times!), and ask myself which was "better."  My preparation consisted of the Bowen ASP Course (thank you Nicole!), and the Yates book to fill in areas I needed help with. I made a LOT of use of the practice quizzes (including the iPhone app, whenever I had a few minutes of time) and the 50-question practice test on the Bowen website. I did purchase and complete the BCSP Self-Assessment, which was also helpful in identifying areas I needed more study in as well as giving me a flavor for the test itself. Now – on to the CSP! Thanks for your support, the great website resources, and the great preparation I received through the course.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Good morning, just wanted to let you know that I did pass the CHMM exam! Thank you! Your prep course definitely was able to help prepare me for success.

CHMM Courses

Hi Rick, Just wanted to thank you again for a great class. I felt doomed before taking it, but now think I have fair shot if I apply the diligence. I was very impressed with your delivery manner; very patient, engaging and based on adult learning. I was equally impressed with the class participants; their knowledge and their (and your) good humor - especially on as dry a subject as Algebra. In fact, I plan to study this more formally as it is not as Dry as I recall from 32 years ago. I did not expect to be enthusiastic. What a welcome surprise. Thanks again.

Professional Development

I took the Bowen EHS CHMM exam prep course in the fall of 2018. At least two months passed between the completion of the prep course and my exam date. I wouldn't recommend a delay in taking the exam. I wasn't busy studying during this time and had to go back over much of the material. I left my calculator at the house on the morning of the exam. This created some anxiety. I was able to trudge through with the basic function calculator provided at the testing center. I struggled through the first 20 questions or so before settling in. After completing the exam I went back over the test and realized the beginning of the test wasn't as bad as I initially thought/felt. I received a pass on the screen after submitting the test. I had an email waiting in my inbox when I got to work to inform me that I would be notified of the official results in less than three weeks. I got my congratulatory email from IHMM less than one week after completing my test requesting the $160 dollar annual certification maintenance fee to complete the certification process. Good luck to those in pursuit of your CHMM certification. I would definitely recommend the Bowen EHS prep course. Thanks Will.

CHMM Courses

Thank you Bowen and thank you Patrick! Every time I saw a question about something you specifically went over, I heard your voice say you have to know this for the exam.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed my CSP today!! I finished my Bowen ASP-CSP course back in March, just two days before our State did a mandatory lock-down. My exam was canceled 3 times, finally got in today with a week's notice. Passed on my first try.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I pushed the submit button and closed my eyes. When I opened them, it said "are you sure you want to submit?", pushed the button, closed my launched into the survey. Then it launched into at least 2 more "are you sure you want to submit?". I thought I was going to have a heart attack but finally....finally I got the green check saying preliminary pass! (CIH exam)

BOWEN is the best prep system EVER! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!. Rick, you were a great instructor and host in Chapel Hill. Thank you!

CIH Courses

I passed the ASP! It was a difficult exam, and I used almost all of the 5 hours. Taking this Bowen class and using the resources here definitely helped focus my studying and pass. Thank you!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I passed the CSP exam...and so will you!! Without compromising the exam, here's my "two cents" for your exam success.Know the equations. They may or may not be provided on the exam, so I highly recommend you know them. And don't just know the equation, but understand which one is used and when. I actually had to use an engineering economics equation in reverse ...just glad I knew what equation worked for the scenario given. Calculators are not allowed in the testing site. The on-screen calculator works just like the one provided by Bowen EHS. Just be sure that each time you close out the on-screen calculator, be sure to set it to Classic Mode when you open it back up. If you don't, you'll get weird figures on the calculator and realize something is not looking right. Understand ALL material in the Bowen EHS review course book. It's not enough to just know the words or terms, but also the application of the terms. Take the time to go through the CSP 10'll be glad you did. I had 30 total pages (front and back!!) of notes outlining all of the items on the Blueprint. Well worth the time spent in preparing and learning the material. Some info is provided on the Blueprint presentation / handout (ROHS, REACH, etc). Review the Bowen EHS study questions. I have all questions to 2005. I found it helpful to separate them by topic so I could focus on a particular topic. You can get more info on the CIH and CHMM study vault. Bottom what you need to do to pass the exam!! I studied hours (no joke!!) each weekday and weekend for 5+ months, but it paid off in the end. THANK YOU Bowen EHS for all the exam material you provide us. You truly set up your students for success!! Highly recommended!!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Great job that you are doing, Russ Thank you

Southeastern Louisiana University
CIH Courses

I passed my CSP! I passed my ASP around a year and a half ago after completing the ASP/CSP course. At the time I had a lot going on in life with my first little one at home and did not take my CSP right away like originally planned. I decided that what would be best for me was to complete the ASP/ CSP course again starting last February. As busy as my life has been I needed the structure of the class to keep me focused and moving in the right direction. I do not know if I got as much out of it the second time around as the first obviously but it helped me focus and gave me study structure. It also provided me with a group of other people working towards a similar goal which helped keep me motivated and moving forward toward the CSP. The test itself I found to be a little frustrating with %90 of the questions asking for what is the BEST answer and giving four options saying almost the exact same thing just worded slightly different. My best advice is to eliminate one of them if you can and then go with your gut on the remaining. I am not a math person at all but was actually relieved when a math question would come up because at least there is a definite answer and I would know if I got right or wrong. If I were to study for it again I would focus much more attention on the relationships between the Safety director, front-line supervisors and management. I briefly studied those areas but it was a lot more in-depth than expected. There were many questions related to training, defining responsibilities and establishing accountability for line supervisors. Thank you, Mike and Bowen, for all the help both the first and the second time I took the class and best of luck to everyone taking the test in the future. 

ASP®-CSP®- Courses