Client Feedback: ASP®-CSP® Exam Courses

We love getting honest feedback from our clients. In addition to letting us know how we are doing, they let us know what worked or didn't work for them while preparing for their ASP® and CSP® exams.

Read on to find out more.

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I passed the ASP on my first try!!! The exam was extremely difficult despite completing the online review course, HOURS of independent studying and countless practice quizzes/tests. Much heavier on Environmental and Hazardous Materials than I expected. Be sure to know Electricity concepts and calculations inside and out. Lots of questions needed unit conversions. All in all very hard, but I made it!!! 

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

WOOOHOO!, I passed the CSP! Feeling so proud! I used the Yates and Brauer texts and took the Bowen Practice Exam like 50 times!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I took the CHMM test yesterday and it stated that I passed. It could take up to three weeks to get the actual grade. I want to thank Bowen and all of my class members for their help.

CHMM Courses

Got my letter saying that I passed the CIH exam! Thanks for the help Russ and everybody! Good luck to those who still need to take the test! Radiation and Thermal Stressors/ Ergonomics gave me the most trouble.

CIH Courses

Hi Rick, Just wanted to thank you again for a great class. I felt doomed before taking it, but now think I have fair shot if I apply the diligence. I was very impressed with your delivery manner; very patient, engaging and based on adult learning. I was equally impressed with the class participants; their knowledge and their (and your) good humor - especially on as dry a subject as Algebra. In fact, I plan to study this more formally as it is not as Dry as I recall from 32 years ago. I did not expect to be enthusiastic. What a welcome surprise. Thanks again.

Professional Development

Thanks to Russ and Mike and Will Pate for their excellent instruction and support in the two online courses I enrolled in, ASP-CSP 2017 and ASP 2019. I passed the CSP exam, first try. What a journey: been working on this since the spring of 2017 and reached the top of the mountain this morning. Now on to CHMM.  My study routine after passing the ASP six weeks ago was quite different. Along with re-listening to all the lectures and re-doing CSP practice exams (mainly to practice on the math), ASP 2019 homework assignments, and doing the CSP self-assessment (some of the references for the questions were from sources NOT on the BCSP reference blueprint), I did a deep dive on the BCSP's examination reference sheet on the domains and the blueprint on the references and acquired and bought several books to get really into the weeds. All in all, I gleaned a lot of great in-depth safety system and management knowledge (Dan Peterson is a pioneer in safety and really enjoy his expertise) and insight but feel in the end it didn't really transfer over to better exam preparation as far as seeing anything I recognized. In some way, I thought I would see some question from one of the reference books and say I recognize that, but that didn't happen. For the books, I didn't read each book word per word: just did scans of them, some more than others.
To close: the online Bowen EHS courses are fantastic to cover all the topics and get the mind, and blood, going on the breadth of information on these exams. Really money, and time, well spent :) Great curriculum.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Well, I took the CIH test last week and got a no pass. I felt really good going into it and actually didn't feel terrible while taking it so it was a bit of a surprise when I got the no pass. I went through all of the Bowen questions available, read the TLV book as well as others, went through all the lectures at least twice, took many "quizzes" and was getting 80-100% on them by the end. I even purchased the extra Bowen workbooks and went through all of them too. I am pretty disappointed and not quite sure how to study for the next time around. I guess I will just have to wait to get the letter telling me what rubrics to study harder in. I did enjoy this course and like I said, I thought I was pretty prepared for the test, but I guess there will be at least one more go around...

CIH Courses

I know you keep stats of students that pass exams. I took your ASP/CSP class back in 2012! Yeah, life gets in the way, and I didn't sit for my ASP exam until last Saturday. I still had all the materials from your class and used them to study. Well, I passed! I plan to go for the CSP soon, I want to ride the ASP high for a little bit ;). Thanks for a good product.

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Passed the CSP a month after ASP! My overall impression of the CSP was that it is more difficult than the ASP. ASP seemed pretty straightforward with simple answers. The CSP had numerous scenario questions and very little math. I reviewed the PowerPoint from the course, used the CSP pocket app, and tried the self-assessment quiz from the BCSP. My personal opinion is that the CSP is more application than the ASP. 


ASP®-CSP®- Courses

I was so relieved when I saw the words PASS this afternoon on my (CSP9) exam! I had 118 minutes remaining. I took 1 break after I went through the test once. I highly recommend you take at least one short break - you start to go crossed eyed after a while. Ha!  My journey to the CSP started in 2015. I took the ASP review course with Colleen in January 2015 and took the ASP that April that same year and passed on the first try. Unfortunately, I was unable to take the CSP right after due to unforeseen circumstances.

I started studying for the CSP in November 2016. I went back through all of the ASP review courses from 2015 and reviewed questions from the Bowen site over and over and over. I went through all of the webinars as well. I also used Quizlet to create my own questions and reviewed them ad nauseam. I used the BCSP blueprint to give me a guide as to what to study. I re-read the Brauer book, but honestly, I can't say it helped me much. I went to a few study sessions on the Bowen site as well. Special thanks to Mike Edens and all of the Bowen team for your help! Could not have done it without your support!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Bowen was very important in helping me gain my ASP in July of 2016 and my CSP in April of this year.

Steven Jones
KY Labor Cabinet
ASP®-CSP®- Courses

Passed the ASP!  Started studying in earnest in mid-January, using the Brauer and Yates books, primarily. Took the ASP/CSP combo online review session from Bowen that started in February. I am fortunate in that I have very strong employer support, so I was also able to access the Datachem service and purchase the SPAN review books.

Overall, regarding the test: Math was approximately the percentage of the test I expected. Virtually all of the math I had was covered in sufficient depth by the Bowen online course, so any extra practice I got using the other resources was a bonus. The remainder of the test was a combination of what I'd call "safety trivia."

For all the access to study materials I had, I can tell you that easily 1/3 of the questions were items that were not covered specifically in any of the commonly referenced materials. But then, if you look at the BCSP reference guide reading list, it's pretty lengthy so there is no shortage of material to draw from. It truly is a test that's a mile wide by an inch deep.

Of all the items I had access to for reference, I would rank them as follows:

1.  Bowen ASP/CSP online course and resources. Sample questions most accurately matched up with what I was presented with in style/format.

2.  Datachem software. Simply a huge volume of study questions to work from and the ability to do "study sessions" on topics that I felt weak in was a great benefit.

3.  SPAN workbook. Overall the material was pretty good, but it seemed like older, re-purposed questions.

I passed through brute force repetition of questions and study topics. Now on to the CSP!

ASP®-CSP®- Courses